116 research outputs found

    Error Rate Analysis of GF(q) Network Coded Detect-and-Forward Wireless Relay Networks Using Equivalent Relay Channel Models

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    This paper investigates simple means of analyzing the error rate performance of a general q-ary Galois Field network coded detect-and-forward cooperative relay network with known relay error statistics at the destination. Equivalent relay channels are used in obtaining an approximate error rate of the relay network, from which the diversity order is found. Error rate analyses using equivalent relay channel models are shown to be closely matched with simulation results. Using the equivalent relay channels, low complexity receivers are developed whose performances are close to that of the optimal maximum likelihood receiver.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figures. This work has been submitted to the IEEE for possible publication. Copyright may be transferred without notice, after which this version may no longer be accessibl

    Nesnelerin İnterneti Teknolojisinin Biyomedikal Alanındaki Uygulamaları

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    Nesnelerin İnterneti, fiziksel nesnelerin bilgi paylaşıp beraberce karar verebilmeleri için onlara birbirlerini görme, duyma, düşünme, bir araya gelerek “konuşma” olanağı vermektedir. Nesnelerin interneti, gömülü cihazlar, haberleşme protokolleri, algılayıcı ağlar, internet protokol ve uygulamaları gibi temel teknolojilerin geleneksel olanından akıllı olanına dönüşümüdür. Nesnelerin interneti tabanlı sistemlerin sağlık hizmeti ile ilgili olanları; mobil sağlık ve uzaktan bakım hizmetleri, koruyucu sistemler, teşhis, tedavi ve izleme sistemleri olarak sıralanabilir. Kablosuz vücut alan ağları ve radyo frekanslı tanımlama nesnelerin interneti sistemlerinin önemli bileşenlerindendir. Bu çalışmada, nesnelerin interneti ve önemli bileşenlerinden olan kablosuz vücut alan ağı ve radyo frekanslı tanımlama sistemleri tanıtılarak sağlık alanındaki uygulamalarından bahsedilmektedir. Ayrıca nesnelerin interneti kapsamında gerçekleştirilmesi hedeflenen bir sistem sunulmuştur

    Identifying clinical characteristics of hypoparathyroidism in Turkey: HIPOPARATURK‑NET study

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    Hypoparathyroidism is an orphan disease with ill-defined epidemiology that is subject to geographic variability. We conducted this study to assess the demographics, etiologic distribution, treatment patterns and complication frequency of patients with chronic hypoparathyroidism in Turkey. This is a retrospective, cross-sectional database study, with collaboration of 30 endocrinology centers located in 20 cities across seven geographical regions of Turkey. A total of 830 adults (mean age 49.6 ± 13.5 years; female 81.2%) with hypoparathyroidism (mean duration 9.7 ± 9.0 years) were included in the final analysis. Hypoparathyroidism was predominantly surgery-induced (n = 686, 82.6%). The insulting surgeries was carried out mostly due to benign causes in postsurgical group (SG) (n = 504, 73.5%) while patients in nonsurgical group (NSG) was most frequently classified as idiopathic (n = 103, 71.5%). The treatment was highly dependent on calcium salts (n = 771, 92.9%), calcitriol (n = 786, 94.7%) and to a lower extent cholecalciferol use (n = 635, 76.5%) while the rate of parathyroid hormone (n = 2, 0.2%) use was low. Serum calcium levels were most frequently kept in the normal range (sCa 8.5–10.5 mg/dL, n = 383, 46.1%) which might be higher than desired for this patient group. NSG had a lower mean plasma PTH concentration (6.42 ± 5.53 vs. 9.09 ± 7.08 ng/l, p < 0.0001), higher daily intake of elementary calcium (2038 ± 1214 vs. 1846 ± 1355 mg/day, p = 0.0193) and calcitriol (0.78 ± 0.39 vs. 0.69 ± 0.38 mcg/day, p = 0.0057), a higher rate of chronic renal disease (9.7% vs. 3.6%, p = 0.0017), epilepsy (6.3% vs. 1.6%, p = 0.0009), intracranial calcifications (11.8% vs. 7.3%, p < 0.0001) and cataracts (22.2% vs. 13.7%, p = 0.0096) compared to SG. In conclusion, postsurgical hypoparathyroidism is the dominant etiology of hypoparathyroidism in Turkey while the nonsurgical patients have a higher disease burden with greater need for medications and increased risk of complications than the postsurgical patients

    Investigation of the PD-1/PD-L1 Expression in the Lesional Skins of Patients with Psoriasis

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    Introduction: Psoriasis is an immune-mediated, chronic and inflammatory disease whose pathogenesis is affected by the interactions of several immune cells and cytokines. PD-1 is an inhibitor receptor that is expressed to a large extent in T lymphocytes and responsible for regulating autoimmunity and self-tolerance. Objectives: In this study, we aimed to investigate the expression of PD-1/PD-L molecules in the lesioned skins of psoriasis patients. Methods: The study included 30 psoriasis patients, and 15 healthy volunteers as the control group. Anti PD-1 and PD-L1 antibodies were applied to the skin biopsy samples that were collected from the patient and control groups. Cytoplasmic and membranous staining of PD-1 and PD-L1 were considered positive. The number of stained immune cells that was examined for each case. Results: The percentage of the tissues with high PD-1 (+) and PDL-1 (+) immune cell counts were significantly higher in the psoriasis patients compared to healthy controls (P values = 0.004 and 0.002, respectively). A negative and statistically significant correlation was detected between PDL-1(+) immune cell numbers and PASI scores (P = 0.033, r=-0.57). Conclusions: In the lesioned skin samples of psoriasis patients, the PD-1 and PD-L1 expressions were significantly higher in immune cells than that in the skin samples of the healthy controls. This study was the first investigation of the expression of PD-1/PD-L molecules in the immune cells in found the lesioned skins of psoriasis patients

    Induction of haploid plants in sunflower (helianthus annuus l.) by pollen irradiation

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    Dünya bitkisel yağ üretiminde önemli bir paya sahip olan ayçiçeği ülkemizde de en fazla tarımı yapılan yağ bitkisi ve yağ sanayimizin ana ham maddesidir. Bu çalışmada ulusal ayçiçeği ıslah çalışmalarımızda kullanılan anaç çeşitliliğinin artırılabilmesi amacıyla 16 farklı ıslah hattında ışınlanmış polen yöntemi ile haploid bitki eldesiüzerine çalışılmıştır.Farklı hatlara ait ayçiçeklerinden toplanan polenler karıştırılarak üç eşit parçaya ayrılmış ve her parçaya farklı olmak üzere polenlere, 500 Gy, 750 Gy ve 1000 Gy olacak şekilde üç farklı dozda ışıma uygulanmıştır. Ardından bütün ıslah hatlarına her dozdan polen ile tozlama yapılmıştır. Tozlamadan sonra 12-20 gün aralığında embriyo kurtarma işlemi uygulanmıştır. Çalışma boyunca yaklaşık 18500 olgunlaşmamış embriyo kültüre alınmış ve bunlardan 650’sinden direkt rejenerasyon ile bitki elde edilmiştir. Embriyo kurtarma işlemi için üç farklı prosedür denenmiş (A: 1/2 MS + B5 Vitaminleri + 20gr/l Sukroz, D: MS + Vitaminleri + 20 gr/l Sukroz, FM1: MS +Vitaminleri + 90 g/L Sukroz + 0,05 mg/ml BAP, FM2: MS + Vitaminleri + 30 g/L Sukroz + 0,01 mg/ml BAP, FM3: B5 + Vitaminleri + 10 g/L Sukroz + 0,02 mg/ml IAA) en verimli embriyo kültürü yönteminin D olduğu belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen bitkilerin hemen hemen hepsi başarılı şekilde toprağa şaşırtılmıştır. O zamana kadar yapımış olan ve daha sonra elde kalan fideler üzerinde gerçekleştirilen flow sitometri ve kromozom sayımı analizleri sonucunda 6 bitkinin haploid olduğu belirlenmiştir (H14 - K3AD SN:8, H36 - IMI 069, H43 - IMI 044, H53 - IMI 044A, 2 adet H77 - IMI 044). Bu çalışma TÜBİTAK-TOVAG (Proje No: 214O274) ve Marmara Üniversitesi Araştırma Fonu (Proje No: FEN-C-YLP-081117-0627) tarafından desteklenmiştir.--------------------Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.), which has an important share in world vegetable oil production, is the main raw material of our oil industry and the most cultivated oil crop in Turkey. In this study, 16 different lines from our national breeding studies were used for induction of haploids by pollen irradiation. Haploids were vital for breeding studies because it is possible to obtain 100% homozygosity rapidly with dihaploidization. Also, 100% homozygous lines are eligible for screening the recessive mutations on mutation studies. Pollen were gathered from different sunflower lines and mixed before irradiation. Then pollen were irradiated 3 different doses as 500 Gy, 750 Gy and 1000 Gy. All breeding lines were pollinated with every dose. Embryo rescue were applied 12-20 days afterpollination. Nearly 18500 embryos were cultivated and 650 plantlets germinated. Three different immature embryo culture procedure were used (A: 1/2 MS + B5 Vitamins + 20 g/L Sucrose, D: MS + Vitamins + 20 g/L Sucrose, FM1: MS + Vitamins + 90 g/L Sucrose + 0,05 mg/ml BAP, FM2: MS + Vitamins + 30 g/L Sucrose + 0,01 mg/ml BAP, FM3: B5 + Vitamins + 10g/L Sucrose + 0,02 mg/ml IAA) and the most efficient procedure were found as D. Almost all of the plantlets were acclimatized with success.Flow cytometry and chromosome analysis on remaining plantlets were shown us 6 of the plantlets were haploid (H14 - K3AD SN:8, H36 - IMI 069, H43 - IMI 044, H53 - IMI 044A, 2 adet H77 - IMI 044). This research has been supported by TÜBİTAK-TOVAG (Project No: 214O274) and Marmara University Research Foundation (Project No: FEN-C-YLP-081117-0627

    GWP oranı düşük akışkanların kullanıldığı transkritik organik Rankine çevriminden güç alan buhar sıkıştırmalı soğutma sisteminin termodinamik simülasyonu.

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    TEZ12732Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2017.Kaynakça (s. 69-77) var.XIX, 92 s. :_res. (bzs. rnk.), tablo ;_29 cm.Kritik seviyedeki sera gazı emisyonları ve yükselen petrol fiyatları nedeniyle ülke yönetimleri içten yanmalı motor emisyonları ve yakıt ekonomi standartları için sıkı düzenlemeler yürürlüğe koymuşlardır. Motor atık ısısı geri kazanımı ve yakıt tüketiminin düşürülmesi için organik Rankine çevrimi umut vericidir. Bu tezde, içten yanmalı motor atık ısısının kullanıldığı transkritik organik Rankine çevriminden güç alan buhar sıkıştırmalı soğutma sisteminin (T-ORVC) parametrik termodinamik analizi yapılmıştır. Küresel ısınma potansiyeli (GWP) yüksek R134a soğutucu akışkanının yerine kullanılabilecek GWP’si düşük iki akışkan incelenmiştir. Teorik çalışma boyunca, olası tüm senaryoların simülasyonu için soğutucu akışkan kazan basıncı, çevrim bileşenlerinin verimleri, yoğuşturucu/evaporator sıcaklıkları, aşırı kızdırma/aşırı soğutma dereceleri parametre olarak kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonuçları her iki iş gören akışkanın R134a’ya yakın performans sergilediğini ortaya koymuştur. Dahası, R1234ze(E)’nin kullanıldığı T-ORVC daha yüksek termodinamik performans sergilemiştir. Yapılan çalışma, incemesi yapılan akışkanların R134a ile değiştirilebileceğini göstermiştir.Due to critical level of greenhouse gas emissions and rising petroleum prices, governments have issued strict regulations for internal combustion engine emissions and fuel economy standarts. Organic Rankine cycle is a promising way to recover engine exhaust waste heat and reduce fuel consumption. In this thesis, parametric thermodynamic analysis of transcritical organic Rankine vapor compression (T-ORVC) refrigeration cycle using internal combustion engine exhaust waste heat is investigated. Two low Global Warming Potential (GWP) fluids are considered as refrigerants for the potential replacement of high GWP refrigerant R134a. Throughout the theoretical study, refrigerant boiler pressure, cycle component efficiencies and temperature of condenser/evaporator and the degree of subcooling/superheating are used as parameters to simulate all possible scenarios. Results revealed that both low GWP working fluids have cooling performance close to R134a. Moreover, T-ORVC refrigeration system with R1234ze(E) presented slightly higher thermodynamic performance throughout the operation conditions. Study indicated that, R134a can be replaced by studied low GWP working fluids for the proposed system

    A diversity and coding gain analysis for the cooperative wireless communication channel under fading using sampling property of the Q-function İşbi̇rli̇kli̇ kablosuz haberleşmede sönümlemeli̇ kanal i̇çi̇n Q-fonksi̇yonunun örnekleme özelli̇ǧi̇nden yararlanan bi̇r çeşi̇tleme ve kodlama kazanci anali̇zi̇

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    This work presents approximation methods that are used to identify Bit Error Rate (BER) expressions which are frequently utilized in investigation and comparison of performance for wireless communication systems in the literature. In this group of approximation methods, some expectation integrals, which are complicated to analyze and time-consuming to evaluate through Monte Carlo simulations, are handled. For this group of integrals, by using the sampling property of the Q-function under mid- and high- Signal-to-Noise Power Ratio (SNR) assumptions, reliable BER functions revealing the diversity and coding gains are derived. Although the methods we proposed cover a larger class of integration problems, the results presented in this work show the step by step derivation of the BER expression for a canonical cooperative communication scenario starting from basic building blocks. The derived expression agrees with the simulation results even under relatively low SNR values

    Analysis of the performance of network coding using the sampling property of Q-function Ǎg Kodlama için q-fonksiyonun örnek alma özellǐginden yararlanarak başarim analizi

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    In the area of cooperative and network coded communication that naturally arises from cooperation, which become increasingly important in wireless communications, the expected end-to-end bit error rate (BER) values are frequently required to compare the proposed coding, relaying, and decoding techniques. Instead of obtaining these values through time consuming Monte Carlo simulations, deriving the closed form expressions via approximations is also crucial. In this work, we make use of the sampling property of the Q-function, which we commonly face while dealing with the related expectation integrals, in order to derive the end-to-end BER expressions for a network coded system. Furthermore, we show that the obtained expressions well agree with the simulation results

    Cooperative Network Coded ARQ Strategy for Broadcast Networks

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    A novel cooperative automatic repeat request (ARQ) method with network coding is proposed for broadcast networks where single source node broadcasts multiple packets to multiple destinations. Upon a failed transmission, multiple relays cooperate with the source node at the retransmission phase, where network coding is used to combine multiple lost packets. A random access mechanism is employed where retransmission is done according to back-off counters. The proposed method employs the back-off mechanism to achieve space diversity by punishing the nodes which fail at previous retransmissions, and to reduce the number of retransmissions by giving priority to nodes having opportunity to employ network coding. The proposed method is compared with network coded ARQ without cooperation and traditional ARQ using Monte Carlo simulations for different channel settings. The effect of channel correlation is investigated where correlation is modeled as a finite-state Markov model. Simulation results show that the proposed use of cooperation and network coding for ARQ improves throughput performance when relay channels' conditions are better than the channels between source and destinations. It is also observed that, the proposed strategy exploits cooperation and space diversity to reduce the performance degradation due to correlation